2001/10/11 (木) 03:40:34        [mirai]
BREAKING NEWS: Plextor 24/10/40 [Wednesday, October 10 @ 20:08:32 CEST]  
  Hi ! 

Bad news right now ! :( 
To sum up, what´s aournd the www: 
TLA#0000 Copies all 
TLA#0100 No CactusShield 100 protected CDs and some CDS 200 cd's 
TLA#0101 No CactusShield 100 protected CDs and 200 and also problems with game cd's. 

TLA is something like a hardware release version ! 
Seems like the new drives have been modified ! 

That is really shit ! Maybe even the new firmware isn´t able to copy protected CDs ! 
Right now we only have bits and pieces of information ! 
We will let you know, as soon as we know more !
Note: CDFreaks.com has posted abou this matter as well !   
 Posted by N.B. on Wednesday, October 10 @ 20:08:32 CEST (20 reads)