>クズ地蔵 投稿者:ハッカ飴 2002/09/14 (土) 04:38:51        [mirai]
> > エラーログアプ
> Bareword found where operator expected at /home/nextmix/bbs.cgi line 
> 38, near "$totalist = './list" (Might be a runaway multi-line // string
>  starting on line 34) (Missing operator before list?) Number found 
> where operator expected at /home/nextmix/bbs.cgi line 42, near 
> "$countdate = '2002" (Might be a runaway multi-line '' string starting 
> on line 38) (Missing operator before 2002?) String found where operator
>  expected at /home/nextmix/bbs.cgi line 45, near "$countfile = '" 
> (Might be a runaway multi-line '' string starting on line 42) (Missing 
> semicolon on previous line?) syntax error at /home/nextmix/bbs.cgi line
>  38, near "$totalist = './list" Illegal octal digit '9' at 
> /home/nextmix/bbs.cgi line 42, at end of line Bad name after unt' at 
> /home/nextmix/bbs.cgi line 45.
> (;´Д`)

