2003/06/04 (水) 13:23:40        [mirai]
Re: New Benchmark from Japan -YumeBench  
In reply to:
           A benchmark with a bunch of 11 year old girls in it.
           if you think anime are girls than you have a problem. 
           it is like the story Ghost in the Shell regarding why AI are not allow to take human form.
      Humans view the world with only their eyes and they make connection between things they see.

In reply to:
           WTF, is wrong with Japanese people, no ofense, but the majority of anime and the likes if just freakin full
           of 12 year girls in bikini's. Kinda sick really.

          you haven't seen much anime have you? :) i would ask of you to list those "freakin full of 12 year girls in bikini's"
           anime! :P