> 2004/01/30 (金) 04:12:56 ◆ ▼ ◇ [mirai]> ごきげんようごきげんようさわやかな朝の挨拶が澄み切った青空にこだまする
> マリア様のお庭に集う乙女たちが今日も天使のような無垢な表情で背の高い門
> をくぐり抜けていく汚れを知らない心身を包むのは深い色の制服スカートのプ
> リーツは乱さないように白いセーラーカラーは翻らせないようにゆっくりと歩
> くのがここでのたしなみもちろん遅刻ギリギリで走り去るとなどといったはし
> たない生徒など存在していようはずもない私立リリアン学園明治三十四年創立
> のこの学園はもとは華族の令嬢のためにつくられたという伝統あるカトリック
> 系お嬢様学校である東京都下武蔵野の面影をいまだに残している緑の多いこの
> 地区で神に見守られ幼稚舎から大学まで一貫教育が受けられる乙女の園時代は
> 移り変わり元号が明治から三回も改まった平成の今日でさえ十八年間通い続け
> れば温室育ちの純粋培養お嬢様が箱入りで出荷されるという仕組みが未だ残っ
> ている貴重な学園である(;´Д`)
"How are you"
"how are you"
The blue sky in which the fresh morning greeting cleared up is echoed
Mary -- the maidens who gather in the yard like also bend down to pass
under the tall gate with a pure smile like an angel today It is the
uniform of a deep color to wrap the mind and body which do not know dirt.
It is a taste here to walk slowly so that a white sailor color may not
be made to wave so that the pleat of a skirt may not be disturbed.
of course, lateness -- the mean student say it being last-minute
and running away etc.etc.
needs to exist -- obtaining -- there is also no Private lily yarn school.
This school of the Meiji 34 foundation is a traditional Catholic
system young lady school that the basis was built for the nobility's daughter.
Under Tokyo.
The garden of the maiden who has still left the image of Musashino
and who is watched by God and can receive the consistent education to
a university from a kindergarten in many of this green area.
The structure that a time changes, and a pure culture young lady brought
up in a sheltered environment will be shipped by boxed even today of Heisei
which was changed no less than 3 times from Meiji if it will continue going
for 18 years is the precious school which still remains.(;´Д`)