>  2019/08/19 (月) 15:01:10        [misao]
> > 	I always feel it a big challenge to write stuff in the Japanese 
> > language.  Whatever I write about just in Japanese never fails to make me 
> > feel encouraged.  This is the case also for this book.  As I wrote in the 
> > afterword of my previous book Nihonjin-no-Eigo, "Even though I have no 
> > idea how much this book will help those people who want to master natural 
> > English, I myself have learned a lot from writing this many lines in the 
> > Japanese language."  Just only having managed to finish the article enough 
> > for a book also with my present work made me feel quite happy, even though 
> > that might not be in a very beautiful Japanese. 
> > 	Once I sit in front of my Japanese word processor to try to write 
> > something, I become keenly aware of my language handicap even now.  Every 
> > time writing in another language than my mother tongue, I am forced to 
> > realize how much my position will be weakened.
> グーグル翻訳は改行除去しないと上手く翻訳できんことに気づいた(;´Д`)糞だな糞

