2008/11/18 (火) 02:30:39        [qwerty]
バンクーバー -- The discovery of yet another detached foot in a 
waterlogged running shoe lessens, rather than enhances, the ongoing 
puzzle of the grisly West Coast finds, according to a prominent 
oceanographer who has paid close attention to the captivating 
mystery. -水浸しのランニングシューズを減らすにはまだ別の一戸建ての足の

"I don't want to burst any bubbles, but I think we're getting to the 
bottom of things," said Curtis Ebbesmeyer of Seattle yesterday. "私は
トルのカーティスEbbesmeyerした。 "Science is starting to come 
through." "サイエンスから入ってくるしはじめている。 " 
Mr. Ebbesmeyer based his conclusion on the likelihood that the latest 
find in a small, left-footed New Balance running shoe - the seventh 
within 16 months - was a match to an earlier, nearby discovery of a 
right-footed sneaker of the same brand and a similar size. Ebbesmeyer
ズを実行している-1 6カ月以内に自分の結論を基に、 7 -右と同じブランドの