>Six Perfections 2009/11/18 (水) 01:35:54        [qwerty]
> >                                                  ^^いらない
> whatでも(´ω゚)代用できる(´ω゚)代名詞はreasonだけに係るのではなくて(´ω゚)bad reasonに係っている
> sexual impression have bad reason why everyone feel ashamed, therefore I take care of my behavior.
>                        ^^^^^^^^^^ ←  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> sexual impression have bad thing what everyone feel ashamed, therefore I take care of my behavior.
>                        ^^^^^^^^^  ←  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> もっと正確に表現すると(´ω゚)関係代名詞の後にisを追加する必要がある
> bad reason is everyone feel ashamed(´ω゚)bad thing is everyone feel ashamed(´ω゚)だからね
> sexual impression have bad reason why is everyone feel ashamed, therefore I take care of my behavior.
> sexual impression have bad thing what is everyone feel ashamed, therefore I take care of my behavior.
> 代名詞の後にisを使用するのが嫌な場合は(´ω゚)以下
> <ケース1>
> sexual impression have bad reason why feel ashamed to everyone, therefore I take care of my behavior.
> sexual impression have bad thing what feel ashamed to everyone, therefore I take care of my behavior.
> <ケース2>
> sexual impression have bad reason why make feeling ashamed to everyone, therefore I take care of my behavior.
> sexual impression have bad thing what make feeling ashamed to everyone, therefore I take care of my behavior.
> <ケース3>
> sexual impression have bad reason why let everyone feel ashamed, therefore I take care of my behavior.
> sexual impression have bad thing what let everyone feel ashamed, therefore I take care of my behavior.

