>  2011/03/18 (金) 20:36:03        [qwerty]
> > 今管は何を言ってたの?(;´Д`)要約してよ
> All measures thought for a Japanese country to be able to have to 
> achieve the normal return of severe life in victim's refuge even a 
> day early taking cooperation with various foreign countries into 
> consideration with the people from whom it works on the site while 
> shouldering the people's expectations to do one's best further in the 
> reality of this situation, please let me change it by the greeting 
> while determining belief whose promptly examining it is the most 
> important in the reality of this situation to be worked hard for 
> everybody in Fukushima requesting the parties concerned all of you's 
> further correspondence to correspond to this unprecedented national 
> crisis with heartfelt sincerity hard. 

