2005/10/16 (日) 01:29:42        [qwerty]
Tracing route to qwerty.on.arena.ne.jp []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms  . []
  2     5 ms     4 ms     4 ms  *.*.*.*
  3     6 ms     5 ms     5 ms  210.157.*.*
  4    68 ms    70 ms    69 ms
  5    75 ms    77 ms    84 ms
  6    37 ms    30 ms    33 ms  as2514.nspixp2.wide.ad.jp []
  7    70 ms    67 ms    80 ms  g1-0-k-otemachi-core2.sphere.ad.jp [202.239.114.
  8    80 ms    78 ms    88 ms  g1-2-1-kanda-core5.sphere.ad.jp []

  9    82 ms    73 ms    82 ms  g2-0-kanda-core8.sphere.ad.jp []

 10    33 ms    31 ms    37 ms  g3-1-idb-core2.sphere.ad.jp []
 11    89 ms    83 ms    75 ms  g0-2-idb-arena-gw17.sphere.ad.jp [
 12     *        *        *     Request timed out.