>  2005/12/03 (土) 12:15:04        [qwerty]
> > そりゃCPUが悪い
> > つかVT6122にしろ
> 蟹使うヤシは白痴(;´Д`)
> http://www.nicmania.net/nic/lj1000r-32.html
> http://www.nicmania.net/nic/gn-1200tc.html


 * The RealTek 8139 PCI NIC redefines the meaning of 'low end.' This is
 * probably the worst PCI ethernet controller ever made, with the possible
 * exception of the FEAST chip made by SMC. The 8139 supports bus-master
 * DMA, but it has a terrible interface that nullifies any performance
 * gains that bus-master DMA usually offers.

 * It's impossible given this rotten design to really achieve decent
 * performance at 100Mbps, unless you happen to have a 400Mhz PII or
 * some equally overmuscled CPU to drive it.
