2006/04/08 (土) 23:35:26        [qwerty]
   I am the bone of my sword.                   (体は剣で出来ている)

   Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.      (血潮は鉄で 心は硝子)

   I have created over a thousand blades.       (幾たびの戦場を越えて不敗)

   Unaware of loss.                             (ただ一度の敗走はなく)

   Nor aware of gain.                           (ただ一度の勝利もなし)

   Withstood pain to create weapons.            (担い手はここに孤り)

   waiting for one's arrival.                   (剣の丘で鉄を鍛つ)

   I have no regrets.This is the only path.     (ならば我が生涯に意味は不要ず)

   My whole life was "unlimited blade works"    (この体は無限の剣で出来ていた)