>  2007/11/18 (日) 04:03:32        [qwerty]
> > 海外サイトで迷宮組曲の評価が低すぎる
> > http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/milonssecretcastle/index.html
> > あと源平も(;´Д`)
> > http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/genpeitoumadenkannoni/review.html
> 迷宮組曲楽しいのになあ(;´Д`)ガイジン受けしないのか

The Good
 *   Decent graphics and superb music.

The Bad
* Objects are always hidden underneath blocks or just plain invisible  
* Poor hit detection, no recovery period, and plentiful enemies mean deaths are frequent  
* Milon slides all over the place, and his jumps are tough to control  
* The whole game is simply counterintuitive and cruel.
