>  2010/03/20 (土) 21:56:11        [qwerty]
> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Without firing a single shot, The robot explorer
> Opportunity captured Osama Bin Ladin as he hid in the bottom of a hole
> at a farmhouse on Mars.
> "Ladies and gentlemen, we got him," Edward Weiler, associate NASA 
> administrator for space science, announced.



>  2010/03/20 (土) 21:55:22        [qwerty]
> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Without firing a single shot, The robot explorer
> Opportunity captured Osama Bin Ladin as he hid in the bottom of a hole
> at a farmhouse on Mars.
> "Ladies and gentlemen, we got him," Edward Weiler, associate NASA 
> administrator for space science, announced.



2010/03/20 (土) 21:53:39        [qwerty]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Without firing a single shot, The robot explorer
Opportunity captured Osama Bin Ladin as he hid in the bottom of a hole
at a farmhouse on Mars.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him," Edward Weiler, associate NASA 
administrator for space science, announced.
