2005/09/17 (土) 02:43:33        [qwerty]
02:41 [Tempy] Was FF4 any good?
02:41 [Tempy] Never played it
02:41 [Tempy] Getting a DS port
02:41 [Auld|Work] FF4 is great
02:41 [raziel-] yeah, 4 is good
02:41 [Shinohara] I've heard 4 was good but not as good as 6
02:41 [Tempy] cool, as long as they don't nerf it I should get it then
02:41 [Shinohara] hopefully 6 will get a DS port too, that I'd buy in an instant
02:41 [Auld|Work] 4 > 6
02:42 [Auld|Work] 4 was the FF peak, IMO
02:42 [raziel-] I like 6 better than 4
