>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:24:25        [qwerty]
> > ¡Hola!
> > Nos acabamos de enterar de que su pedido ha sido un ligero retraso. Pero no se
> > pánico, es en el camino. Lugar para cosas apesta, pero es mejor
> > saber lo que pasa que a acosar al cartero todos los días.
> > Este es el trato: Su pedido fue enviado, pero con una entrega modificados
> > fecha. UPS nos dio un informe diciendo:
> > UPS necesita su ayuda para garantizar su rápida entrega.
> > Para obtener la historia completa, llame a UPS en el 1.800.742.5877. Al conversar con
> > los píos en UPS, tener esta información lista:
> > Gracias por su paciencia. Tendrás que la caja marrón hermosa pronto
> > suficiente.
> ワカリカネマス



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:22:14        [qwerty]
> > よう!おれたちゃ注文がおくれたと聞いたわけだが・・・だが慌てるな!
> > おまえしだいだ、くそったれをまってやれ・・・だがポストマンを毎日脅すよりも何がおきたか知ってるほうがいいな!
> > 詳しく話すとだな・・・貴殿の注文は送られた、だが運送日が変わっている
> > UPSのレポートではこう言っている・・・・
> > UPSは運送を早く確実にするためにあなたの助けを求めています・・・
> > もっとしりたかったら、UPSの1.800.742.5877.に電話してくれ!
> > ピーピうるせえUPSの奴らとチャットできるぜ!
> > 最後まで聞いてくれてありがとな!
> > もうすぐ茶色の美しい箱がくるぜ!
> > 
> "茶色い美しい箱"って普通に荷物のことだよね?(;´Д`)
> なんか特別なものがくるのかと思ったけどメリケンの言い回しは真剣な話題のときはムカツク



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:21:45        [qwerty]
> > 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> > Hi ,
> > We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> > panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> > know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> > Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> > date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> > UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> > To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> > the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> > Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> > enough.
> ¡Hola!
> Nos acabamos de enterar de que su pedido ha sido un ligero retraso. Pero no se
> pánico, es en el camino. Lugar para cosas apesta, pero es mejor
> saber lo que pasa que a acosar al cartero todos los días.
> Este es el trato: Su pedido fue enviado, pero con una entrega modificados
> fecha. UPS nos dio un informe diciendo:
> UPS necesita su ayuda para garantizar su rápida entrega.
> Para obtener la historia completa, llame a UPS en el 1.800.742.5877. Al conversar con
> los píos en UPS, tener esta información lista:
> Gracias por su paciencia. Tendrás que la caja marrón hermosa pronto
> suficiente.



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:21:20        [qwerty]
> > 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> よう!おれたちゃ注文がおくれたと聞いたわけだが・・・だが慌てるな!
> おまえしだいだ、くそったれをまってやれ・・・だがポストマンを毎日脅すよりも何がおきたか知ってるほうがいいな!
> 詳しく話すとだな・・・貴殿の注文は送られた、だが運送日が変わっている
> UPSのレポートではこう言っている・・・・
> UPSは運送を早く確実にするためにあなたの助けを求めています・・・
> もっとしりたかったら、UPSの1.800.742.5877.に電話してくれ!
> ピーピうるせえUPSの奴らとチャットできるぜ!
> 最後まで聞いてくれてありがとな!
> もうすぐ茶色の美しい箱がくるぜ!



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:20:45        [qwerty]
> 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> Hi ,
> We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> enough.

Nos acabamos de enterar de que su pedido ha sido un ligero retraso. Pero no se
pánico, es en el camino. Lugar para cosas apesta, pero es mejor
saber lo que pasa que a acosar al cartero todos los días.

Este es el trato: Su pedido fue enviado, pero con una entrega modificados
fecha. UPS nos dio un informe diciendo:

UPS necesita su ayuda para garantizar su rápida entrega.

Para obtener la historia completa, llame a UPS en el 1.800.742.5877. Al conversar con
los píos en UPS, tener esta información lista:

Gracias por su paciencia. Tendrás que la caja marrón hermosa pronto


>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:19:36        [qwerty]
> > てめえの荷物は少し遅れるが,文句言わずに待ってろ(゚Д゚)
> えーえええー(;´Д`)
> UPSは遅配したら運賃返金だから荷主はなんかしら俺にキャッシュバックすべきだよね?



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:18:17        [qwerty]
> > 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> > Hi ,
> > We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> > panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> > know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> > Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> > date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> > UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> > To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> > the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> > Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> > enough.
> こんにちは
> 私たちは、あなたのオーダーがわずかに遅れたとただ聞きました。 
> しかし、慌てないでください、そして、それは行く途中です。 
> ものを待つのがしゃぶられますが、調子はどうを知るのは、
> 毎日郵便配達人を悩ませるより良いです。
> ここに、取引があります: 
> しかし、変更された納品日と共にあなたの注文を送りました。 
> UPSは以下を書いたレポートを私たちに与えました。
> UPSは、あなたの配送をスピーディに確実にするためにあなたの助けを必要とします。
> 全文を得るには、1.800.742で.5877UPSに電話をしてください。
>  UPSの覗き見でチャットするときには、
> このインフォメーションを準備ができるようにしてください:
> 忍耐をありがとうございます。 あなたは、間に合うようにしてすぐ、
> その美しい茶色の箱を持つでしょう。



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:16:44        [qwerty]
> > 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> よう!おれたちゃ注文がおくれたと聞いたわけだが・・・だが慌てるな!
> おまえしだいだ、くそったれをまってやれ・・・だがポストマンを毎日脅すよりも何がおきたか知ってるほうがいいな!
> 詳しく話すとだな・・・貴殿の注文は送られた、だが運送日が変わっている
> UPSのレポートではこう言っている・・・・
> UPSは運送を早く確実にするためにあなたの助けを求めています・・・
> もっとしりたかったら、UPSの1.800.742.5877.に電話してくれ!
> ピーピうるせえUPSの奴らとチャットできるぜ!
> 最後まで聞いてくれてありがとな!
> もうすぐ茶色の美しい箱がくるぜ!



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:15:26        [qwerty]
> 訳して!o(;´Д`)o







>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:15:11        [qwerty]
> 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> Hi ,
> We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> enough.



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:15:06        [qwerty]
> 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> Hi ,
> We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> enough.

don't panicってお前は銀河ヒッチハイクガイドかよ(;´Д`)


>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:13:24        [qwerty]
> > 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> > Hi ,
> > We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> > panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> > know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> > Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> > date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> > UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> > To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> > the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> > Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> > enough.
> こんにちは
> 私たちは、あなたのオーダーがわずかに遅れたとただ聞きました。 
> しかし、慌てないでください、そして、それは行く途中です。 
> ものを待つのがしゃぶられますが、調子はどうを知るのは、
> 毎日郵便配達人を悩ませるより良いです。
> ここに、取引があります: 
> しかし、変更された納品日と共にあなたの注文を送りました。 
> UPSは以下を書いたレポートを私たちに与えました。
> UPSは、あなたの配送をスピーディに確実にするためにあなたの助けを必要とします。
> 全文を得るには、1.800.742で.5877UPSに電話をしてください。
>  UPSの覗き見でチャットするときには、
> このインフォメーションを準備ができるようにしてください:
> 忍耐をありがとうございます。 あなたは、間に合うようにしてすぐ、
> その美しい茶色の箱を持つでしょう。



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:13:23        [qwerty]
> > 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> > Hi ,
> > We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> > panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> > know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> > Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> > date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> > UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> > To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> > the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> > Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> > enough.
> てめーの荷物遅れるから
> ケツ洗って待っとけ



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:12:00        [qwerty]
> > 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> > Hi ,
> > We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> > panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> > know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> > Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> > date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> > UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> > To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> > the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> > Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> > enough.
> てめえの荷物は少し遅れるが,文句言わずに待ってろ(゚Д゚)



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:11:23        [qwerty]
> 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> Hi ,
> We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> enough.





忍耐をありがとうございます。 あなたは、間に合うようにしてすぐ、


>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:11:21        [qwerty]
> 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> Hi ,
> We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> enough.



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:11:13        [qwerty]
> 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> Hi ,
> We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> enough.



>  2011/01/13 (木) 21:10:44        [qwerty]
> 訳して!o(;´Д`)o
> Hi ,
> We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
> panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
> know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.
> Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
> date. UPS gave us a report saying:
> UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.
> To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
> the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:
> Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
> enough.



2011/01/13 (木) 21:09:09        [qwerty]

Hi ,
We just heard that your order's been slightly delayed. But don't 
panic, it's on the way. Waiting for stuff sucks, but it's better to 
know what's up than to harass the mailman every day.

Here's the deal: Your order was sent, but with a modified delivery 
date. UPS gave us a report saying:

UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.

To get the full story, call UPS at 1.800.742.5877. When you chat with 
the peeps at UPS, have this info ready:

Thanks for your patience. You'll have that beautiful brown box soon 
