2000/06/20 (火) 02:38:58      [mirai]
xpce version 0.11 (PC-Engine emulator)

xpce is a port of Mr. Bero's fpce 0.0 to Windows (utilizing DirectX).

At runtime, since I think there may be problems leading to things like
hang-ups and hard-resets, please take measures to backup (save), ect.

I cannot take responsibility for problems occuring because of this program.

Only problem reports (bug reports) are welcome.

To load zipped cart image, please install unzip32.dll.

As forusing sound, please change Sound=0 to Sound=1 in the xpce.ini file
which is created when it is run the first time.

People who cannot get any sound on a PC9821V166~200, should set the audio
preferences or midi setting to OPL3-SA PLAYBACK (thanks for the info BARGON)

Populus is populous.pce.

	Open xpce from Explorer or drop a cart image on the xpce icon.